
With racing thoughts and noises outside, falling asleep isn’t always easy. Learn about how to get a better night’s sleep.

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16 Things Sleep Doctors Never Do During Daylight Saving Time

For most Americans—except those in Hawaii and Arizona—daylight saving time has more impact than we give it credit for. Here's...

13 Secrets to Better Sleep Doctors Want You to Know

What the docs don't mention about how much rest you actually need, the unconventional ways to fall asleep fast, and...

50 Easy Ways to Sleep Better

You can finally rest easy—we asked sleep experts to tell us everything they know about the healthy habits that help...

15 Stories That Show the Real Danger of Sleepwalking

During deep sleep, some people walk or do something truly outrageous and dangerous, even if they weren't asleep. Check out...

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This Is What It’s Really Like to Sleep with a CPAP Machine

A CPAP machine treats sleep apnea—but what's it really like to sleep with a mask blowing air into your face...

8 Mistakes Insomniacs Make When They’re Trying to Fall Asleep

Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Waking too early, or starting the day feeling tired? These are the symptoms of...

10 Signs It’s Time for a New Mattress

A good tomorrow starts with a sound night's sleep. Before you head off to dreamland, make sure your current mattress...

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Narcolepsy: What Doctors Wish You Knew About This Sleep Disorder

We asked sleep specialists about the most common symptoms of the sleep disorder narcolepsy, and how it's treated.

16 Things Sleep Doctors Wish You Knew About Snoring

While about half of the snoring population is simply making noise, the other half is dealing with a life-threatening condition...

9 Reasons You Keep Waking Up in the Middle of the Night

When a bad dream isn’t to blame, consider one of these less obvious reasons you can’t sleep through the...

7 Things That Could Happen If You Sleep on an Old Mattress

If you're dealing with poor sleep, it could be time to change your mattress. Here are a few things that...

The Serious Reason You Need to Sleep in the Dark

If you tend to spend half of the night in the living room, drifting in and out of sleep in...

9 Tips for Waking Up in the Morning Without a Struggle

Not everyone is a morning person. If waking up in the morning is a challenge, try these tips from...

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This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep may not be a high priority for some in a busy modern world, but the health consequences...

13 Strange Things You Didn’t Know Were Wrecking Your Sleep

You know alcohol, caffeine, and screen time can ruin a good night's sleep. Dr. Michael J. Breus, PhD, aka The...

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What Your Sleep Habits Are Trying to Tell You

Disrupted sleep can be a sign of a health problem. Here's what sleep experts say your sleep habits reveal about...

15 Bizarre Sleep Habits of Some of the Most Successful People

The offbeat sleep habits of these overachievers may have you rethinking your nightly bedtime rituals.

11 Wonderful Things that Could Happen If You Go to Bed an Hour Earlier

Moving your bedtime up even by only 60 minutes could have huge benefits for your body, your mood, and your...

6 Surprising Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep

Our partners at hit show "The Doctors" dole out feel-great advice to zap common sleep problems.

13 Surprising Habits That Lead to Sleepwalking

Millions of children and adults sleepwalk, putting their sleep and their safety at risk. Dr. Michael J. Breus, PhD, aka...

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12 Proven Tricks for How to Stay Awake (on Less Than 5 Hours of Sleep)

We've all had one of those sleepless nights—but how do you function the next day when you're sleep deprived? Here...

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11 ‘Harmless’ Habits That Actually Are Causing Your Insomnia

Some of the things you think will make for a better night’s sleep may actually contribute to your insomnia.

13 Snoring Remedies You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

Snoring ruins sleep for almost 90 million Americans, and sleep apnea—a major cause of snoring—is deadly. Here's how to stop...

13 Signs Your Sleep Apnea Could Be Killing You

Sleep apnea is dangerous to your health when left untreated. Michael J. Breus, PhD, aka The Sleep Doctor, shares the...

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10 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You’re Tired

You know you shouldn’t drive when you're really tired, but these surprising moves are also a bad idea when you're...

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16 Sneaky Signs You Need to See a Sleep Doctor

If your sex drive is dead or you can't shake a cold, it may be a lack of quality sleep....

This One Food Can Help You Fall Asleep—and Boost Your IQ

Adding this one healthy and delicious food to your diet can help you fall asleep, and it may actually boost...

8 Things These Sleep Disorders Could Be Saying About Your Health

Difficulty with sleep sometimes means more than restless nights and tired days. Michael Breus, PhD, a.k.a. The Sleep Doctor, discusses...