Maureen Namkoong, MS, RD
Maureen Namkoong, MS, RD
Maureen Namkoong is a registered dietitian and a former certified athletic trainer with a Master’s degree in Nutrition from The University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training/Sports Medicine from East Stroudsburg University. Namkoong started her career in athletics working as an athletic trainer at Colgate University and UMass. After finishing her master’s degree, she went on to pursue her dietetic internship at the University of New Hampshire. Namkoong worked for over a decade at Everyday Health where she served as the Director of Nutrition and Fitness. Maureen has also been the consultant dietitian for an Emmy nominated television show, Recipe Rehab, and the co-author of two books: My Calorie Counter and The Recipe Rehab Cookbook. Maureen is a public speaker, consultant, and advisor for various non-profit organizations and private individuals.